quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2007


Divulgação / Convite

No seguimento das duas sessões anteriores do ciclo de debates União Europeia e a Presidência Portuguesa, a secção do Partido Socialista de Bobadela convida-o/a a assistir e participar na 3ª sessão com a Secretaria de Estado Adjunta e da Reabilitação, Idália Moniz, no dia 30 de Novembro de 2007 pelas 21horas. A Sra Secretaria de Estado irá debater os temas:
Politicas sociais de inclusão no âmbito da Presidência Portuguesa;
Ano Europeu de Igualdade de Oportunidades para Todos.
Contamos com a sua presença.
Jorge Santos Ponte

quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007

terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2007

Olha nós/ That's us...

... no blogue do Manifesto 2009:
1. Starting the day in Sofia
2. The PES Council through the eyes of PES activists

E ou muito me engano, ou ainda não terminámos...

... at Manifesto2009 blog:
1. Starting the day in Sofia
2. The PES Council through the eyes of PES activists

And, correct me if I'm wrong, we're not finished yet...

Ainda Sófia

Ainda Sofia
Da blogosfera vão-nos chegando relatos das odisseias em redor das tentativas de viagem para o Conselho.
Destaco duas.
1. Dos franceses
Grosse déception by chourka on Friday, November 23, 2007 at 12:42Les militants de Paris sont extrêmement déçus de n'avoir pas pu participer au Conseil du PSE en raison des mauvaises conditions climatiques qui nous ont empêché d'atteindre Sofia.Pourtant, nous étions très motivés ! Pourtant, nous avions pris de nombreux documents pour présenter le travail réalisé dans la capitale française pour promouvoir le PSE en tant que parti de militants, mais aussi pour aider à la réflexion des délégués sur les 4 thèmes du Manifeste 2009.Après plus de 24 heures passées entre les aéroports de Bucarest et de Rome, c'est le coeur gros que nous avons dû nous résigner à rentrer en France.

2. Dos Italianos
Chiuso per nebbiaCerto che Castagnetti è una potenza…! Aeroporto di Sofia chiuso per nebbia da ieri sera. Metà delle delegazioni al Consiglio del PSE bloccate negli aeroporti di partenza, compresi i francesi, Schulz e Papandreou. Ed ovviamente noi… Veltroni, che sarebbe arrivato oggi da Madrid, dirottato a Roma. Fassino proverà ad arrivarci domattina da Atene. Io e la Lanzillotta ripiegheremo su una chiacchierata sul Titolo V nel suo ufficio, tanto per non avere la sensazione di una giornata persa. Di perso, per me, c’è più di una giornata.
Innanzitutto, una quantità eccessiva (quasi insostenibile) di energia. Sono giorni che salto da un incontro all’altro, col mio bravo blocco degli appunti, e col cellulare che sembra un centralino, per parlare con tutti quelli con cui è bene che parli - per capire, ascoltare, prendere le misure, entrare in questo mondo “istituzionale” cercando di non fare il classico elefante nella cristalleria. E ieri la mia giornata era stata simile alle altre: qualche incontro, tante cose da leggere, tante telefonate, poi la presentazione del simbolo (a me piace. E’ semplice e nazional-popolare quanto basta). Tanto che, commentavo in ufficio prima di partire, i due giorni a Sofia mi sembravano quasi una vacanza, una piacevole parentesi – mentre fino a poche settimane fa mi sarebbe sembrato un momento di iperlavoro. Ecco, con questo spirito sono salita ieri sera sul volo per Sofia.
Partito in orario, atterrato verso le 23.00 a Bucarest perchè l’aeroporto di Sofia era chiuso per nebbia. Lì abbiamo fatto rifornimento di carburante, e siamo ripartiti per Fiumicino. La motivazione ufficiale è stata che non c’erano alberghi disponibili, ma essendo un volo di italiani il dubbio di una ritorsione da parte delle autorità aeroportuali rumene c’è stato… Arrivo a Fiumicino alle 3 del mattino, 8 ore per arrivare alla casella di partenza. A letto alle 4, di nuovo in aeroporto stamattina per tentare di prendere un altro volo – invano. Dire che sono esausta è davvero poco.
In più, sarebbe stato bello esserci. Esattamente un anno fa eravamo al congresso di Porto con una delegazione numerosa, affiatata, vivace e varia. Alcuni di quelli che erano lì, oggi sono nell’esecutivo del Pd. Quest’anno la delegazione non sarebbe stata altrettanto numerosa (è un Consiglio e non un Congresso) ma sarebbe stata altrettanto affiatata e varia. Sarebbe stata la prima delegazione del PD al PSE, ci sarebbe stato Pistelli e la Lanzillotta insieme a Fassino e Vecchi. (Non ci sarebbe stato Mussi…). Veltroni avrebbe parlato nella plenaria di domani mattina, prima delle conclusioni di Rasmussen, e poi avrebbe partecipato al pranzo dei leader. Sarebbe stato bello, importante. Non sarebbe stato un passaggio formale, questo è corretto dirlo, perchè il partito membro del PSE in assenza di una modifica della membership sono i DS, he da un punto di vista propriamente formale esistono ancora. Ma è altrettanto corretto dire che la soggettività politica, anche rispetto alle famiglie europee, è passata pienamente al PD. Per questo abbiamo pensato che la presenza del PD tra i partiti membri sarebbe stato un atto politico indispensabile. Non un dato di fatto per scavalcare una discussione interna (che dovremo fare, e che resta aperta), ma un segnale di coerenza sia a chi ha votato il 14 ottobre (e che non capirebbe il persistere dei “vecchi” partiti accanto al nuovo) sia ai nostri interlocutori in Europa. Che siano del PSE o del PDE.E invece la nebbia ha fatto slittare tutto. (Ma sarà stato Castagnetti, o piuttosto Mussi...?)

segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2007

Balance from Sofia

The 2009 PES Council in Sofia ended. Three intense days came to an end last Friday under a powerful fog that covered Sofia. The last speeches, especially those of Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev (in a perfect English) and the one of Poul Nyrup Rasmusen were particularly brilliant and let us, European socialists, the impression that the European socialist project, and PES, is maturing every day.
The fact that it was the Bulgarian Socialist Party the ones with the responsibility of organizing this important reunion, after the Portuguese socialists in 2006, allowed Europe the opportunity to see, in two consecutive years, both ends of Europe, the western and the eastern. It allowed also experiencing the impact of Europe in a new incoming country facing one of most successful cases of European successful integration.
Bulgaria, in a sentence, reminds me Portugal before we entered the European Union: high hopes, eager to work and to be integrated, and a enthusiastic vitality that catches you. The Bulgarians, so it seemed, are humble people, honest and with a high civic sensibility. Remember that they lived under a totalitarian regime until the 90’s, and that their transitional process was not an easy one (as most of former communist countries). Even thought, they managed to maintained a certain positive civic attitude, appreciated in the fact that people in the streets, although their humility, are persecuting their regular live, with the difficulties that exists in today’s societies. They didn’t turn to crime, or begging or prostitutions, at least from what I could see in the city of Sofia. Another example can be drawn from the public transports. You don’t see any control in the trams, for example, and the tickets are supposed to be validated in some kind of manual machine, most certainly still a remembrance of soviet times. Although all this easiness, that in some European capitals would be taken as an invitation to free-ride, the Bulgarians, young and old, validated their tickets, in a prove of civism and ethics behaviour.
Even though, they still have a long way to go. They have their country to rebuild and it is very important that there is a socialist at the elm, because, as we see in other former communists countries, It is very important to maintain a strong social preoccupation in order to create a balanced society; and not that wild capitalists experiences, with high social cleavages, that we sometimes see in the eastern Europe countries.


The people, the council organization, Sofia and the weather, that allow us to have more time to talk between ourselves and to have more face time with leaders, delegates and guests. People, activists, politician, new friend, old friendships consolidated. The guys from Rainbow Rose. The Portuguese delegation and staff. Not because of my nationality, but Paulo Pisco intervention on the environment was one of the best ones the Council eared (It was recorded and showed here), and Gisela and Hugo on the PES Staff team. Hugo as a non-stop guy, always supervising and controlling; and Gisela, in the backstage, dealing with the internet, logistics and all (you can see her interview here). It was also very interesting to met most of PES Staff and be able to see Europe in the making as all these nationalities, all these young, highly motivated men and women working towards the same goal: to build in Europe a Social Experience that would transform the old continent in the best place to be, on Earth.

The weather, again, now because it didn’t allowed the Council to have the dimension we wanted, as much more than half the predicted attendance never showed up. For the activists this had a bigger impact as from the more than 100 expected, 10 turned out, 4 Bulgarians. The taxi drivers, as I explained here. I had another experiences, that I’ll talk in the next post, that sustained the impression that they are definitely a class of their own, with the necessary exceptions.

It was my fist abroad experience with the PES family. I had been in Oporto, but as I am Portuguese, it was more as an internal thing… To be able to meet so many bright people, so many people with shared interests was worth wile. Then, discover a new country, with so many traditions and history; a country proud of himself, with is eyes in the future and with high hopes on the European project, was such a wonderful feeling, that I would do it again tomorrow.
And Sofia is such an interesting city. I have to come back, at least to try out their slopes…
So, if not soon, I’ll see you in Madrid.

Last impressions of a Political Council.

Last impressions of a Political Council.
I haven’t seen any news coverage of the 2009 PES Council at Sofia, so I don’t know what spin the media made of it. From my perspective it was a success. Everybody already knows the weather conditions that prevented a full house plenary and the presence of more high rank officials; but, even thought, the level of the discussions and the quality time available more than compensated this unfortunate event.
The funny thing is that I’ve been told that the airport was build in that location by German engineers in II World War, exactly because of the fog condition (it would make the place easy to defend and invisible to enemy attacks).
The political contribute of this Council was very intense, as the Manifesto 2009 took off with attention and strength. Most of the plenary interventions were in accordance to the four main issues – Europe and the world, European democracy and diversity, New Social Europe and Save our Planet – with some very good ideas and interventions.
The fringe meetings, most of them regarding issues of this four major points, were very interesting, at least the ones I attended. I would like to isolate the «European democracy and diversity», not only because it was the meetings I went, but because of the quality of the interventions, especially the ones of Carlos Moreno and the Rainbow Rose organization.
This kind of organization proves to be a success. People are highly motivated to participate and the quality of discourse rises to a level of excellence. Definitely, we, European Socialists, have the ideas, project, the people and the team to build a new Europe.
A Europe with a different role in international affairs; with a strong environmentalist discourse; and with a new green Agenda. A Europe with an active and strong relation with their citizens; who embraces differences and diversity as a genetic mark of the socialist view of contemporary societies. A Europe that takes the responsibility to achieve the goals of the New Social Europe project and, with it, operates the necessary social changes that we need, in today’s Europe.
I want to be a part of this new Europe, and to see it from the beginning it’s a real privilege. Now, we haven’t build anything yet, there is a lot of work to be done, and the manifesto project is the one were we should gather our resources. The idea is to build a strong, straight forward, grass rooted manifesto. A Manifesto were all the European socialists could recognize themselves and that points towards this New Social Europe that we talk about.
It is not only possible, but needed, that Europe turns left next 2009 elections. With a strong socialist majority in the European Parliament I don’t have a doubt that the New Social Europe could be a reality.
In Oporto we were already talking of this need, in Sofia we continue to pave this road that lays ahead. This path will have its exposure at the 2009 European election, until then, we still have a lot of construction to do. Improve our ideas, our discourse, and our speech.
The Manifesto 2009 process will be a very important initiative to assure that the relation between the PES and its grassroots is a dynamic one, and a validated one. The Socialist Family is calling for our input, our ideas, our thoughts in Europe, in our Future.
The PES is the first European structure to try to think as a multinational party; with an European agenda, and with an integrated and articulated project between the PES, the national parties, the Activists movement, NGO’s and grassroots politics.
So, it is up to us to help and contribute.
You could contribute and be eared. Just log on to www.manifesto2009.pes.org, or connect to your party or the Activist movement in your county. Write a couple of ideas around the Manifesto 2009. Your idea will count.
Politics is still made for and by the people. It is not just economics. It’s the social as well. And only the socialist project can bring a new social justice and equilibrium to a too much liberal Europe. I believe in that. And I want to contribute for this change.

The 2009 PES Council in Sofia ended. Three intense days came to an end last Friday under an intense fog that covered Sofia. He last speeches, especially those of Bulgarian PM (in a perfect English) and the one of Puol Nyrup Rasmusen were particularly brilliant and let us, European socialists, the impression that the European socialist project, and PES, is maturing every day.
The fact that it was the Bulgarian Socialist Party the ones with the responsibility of organizing this important reunion, after the Portuguese socialists in 2006, allowed Europe the opportunity to see, in two consecutive years, both ends of Europe, the western and the eastern. It allowed also experiencing the new incoming Europe and the case of European successful integration.
Bulgaria, in a sentence, reminds me of Portugal was before we entered the European Union: high hopes, eager to work and to be integrated, and a enthusiastic vitality that catches you. The Bulgarians, so it seemed, are humble people, honest and with a high civic sensibility. Remember that they lived under a totalitarian regime until the 90’s, and that their transitional process was not an easy one (as most of former communist countries). Even thought, they managed to maintained a certain positive civic attitude, appreciated in the fact that people in the streets, although their humility, are persecuting their regular live, with the difficulties that exists in today’s societies. They didn’t turn to crime, or begging or prostitutions, at least from what I could see in the city of Sofia. Another example can be drawn from the public transports. You don’t see any control, and the tickets are supposed to be validated in some kind of manual machine, most certainly still a remembrance of soviet times. Although all this easiness, that in some European capitals would be taken as an invitation to free-ride, the Bulgarians, young and old, validated their tickets, in a prove of civism and ethics behavior.

The people, the council organization, Sofia and the weather, that allow us to have more time to talk between ourselves and to have more face time with leaders, delegates and guests. People, activists, politician, new friend, old friendships consolidated. The guys from Rainbow Rose. The Portuguese delegation and staff. Not because of my nationality, but Paulo Pisco intervention on the environment was one of the best ones the Council eared (It was recorded and showed here), and Gisela and Hugo on the PES Staff team. Hugo as a nonstop guy, always supervising and controlling; and Gisela, in the backstage, dealing with the internet, logistics and all (you can see her interview here).
The weather, again, now because it didn’t allowed the Council to have the dimension we wanted, as much more than half the predicted attendance never showed up. For the activists this had a bigger impact as from the more than 100 expected, 10 turned out, 4 Bulgarians. The taxi drivers, as I explained here. I had another experiences, that I’ll talk in the next post, that sustained the impression that they are definitely a class of their own, with the necessary exceptions.

Interviews in Sofia

domingo, 25 de novembro de 2007

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen final intervention at the 2009 Council in Sofia

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen final intervention at 2009 Council- 1

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen final intervention at 2009 Council- 2

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen final intervention at 2009 Council - 3

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen final intervention at 2009 Council- 4

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen final intervention at 2009 Council- 5

sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2007

Dinner (2)

Because of this post, I closed the council venue, and left alone towards the dining place. Somebody told me that it was at the National History Museum, the new-one-not-the-old-one. It was in the city limits, and I would need a cab to get there. Fog was worse them it ever was, you didn't see anything from one side of the street to the other.
After my first taxi experience in Sofia, I wasn’t seeing a good end to this journey. Fog and a 20 km trip did not seem as a good combination. The first cab I approached didn't spoke a word English. I tried to find someone in the street who could translate the address, so I could go. I did this and the guy refused to take me, insulting me in some strange ways. Luckily there was just another one behind. I was already running late.
The taxi drivers in Bulgaria are not as the ones in Portugal, fat old man, with the classic moustache, sometimes drunk and so on... no, the ones in Bulgaria are between 30-40 years old, they all go to the gym and are big as hell... This is the picture. You definitely want to be in their good side.Anyway... I took this second taxi. The man was learning English for one year and I started to try to have something of a conversation.
After the basic exchange of words and short sentences, it evolved to a football conversation, always a classic topic to engage with a foreigner taxi driver. Euro this, Euro that, Portugal - Figo -Ronaldo - Mourinho; Bulgaria - Barbatov - Petrov - ?...; I told him I went to see Bulgaria at the Euro 2004, in Portugal (they lost 5-0 against Sweden) and the fog was deeper and deeper.
As we drove outside city limits I started to wonder:
- Deep fog, trees, no transit, strange narrowed roads, a taxi driver and a yuppie tourist (that’s what probably people would think of us)... this is not ending well...I think I’ve seen such a movie…
The football continued. Now it’s Benfica and CSKA, Rui Costa, and our shared historical background. Benfica Portugal greatest, CSKA, Bulgaria greatest. we managed to see, I am not exaggerating, 5-10 meters ahead. All of a sudden he goes out of this narrowed main road turning to a no road path. I was thinking:
- what about now? Is this it?
In a distance we saw some light. Fading. Football continued. We arrived at a gate, I saw some security and he stopped.- It’s here. There is supposed to be a big building, house to the former soviet government, but with the fog we don't see anything.
The security guys approached me, I identified myself and they showed me the way: towards the lights...The fare was 6 Lev 30 ; 3 euro 15 cents. (I paid almost 20 Lev from the airport, which was roughly the same distance) I gave him 10, we shake hands and anticipated a Benfica - CSKA next Champions League.
The reception was flawless, imperial style, big building, lots of ancient stuff (all with Bulgarian titles, with no translation whatsoever, so we didn't know what we were looking at), the traditional folk groups (15 mature women), and a very nice three string trio (young trendy girls).
Diner was a buffet, a good one, and ended around 22.30 because all the buses were leaving and we had no change of staying. Because I'm still in Portuguese time, I was leaving diner at 20.30, already eaten. The buses all had hotels as destinations, the hotels were everybody is hosted. I took one, randomly, that took me at the Council place, were I managed to get the last tram heading to the centre of Sofia, where I'm staying.
I arrived at the hotel and went to work thinking about this Benfica - CSKA in next year champions...


Text will follow shortly

Portugal intervention in Sofia

quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2007

European democracy and diversity

European democracy and diversity
There were actually two fringe meeting dedicated to European democracy and diversity, one o the diversity subject, another on democracy. Zita Gurmai chaired both sessions.
With a good audience, the first hour was dedicated to the diversity problems that Europe is feeling today, mainly the ones regarding minority rights. The main idea was that if all the known laws were attended, the minority rights problem would never exists. It is a matter of enforcing policies that already are written. On this topic we call your attention to the contribution delivered by the Rainbow Rose organization, a guest at the Council.
Another topic was the value fight that we, socialists, are losing to the right wing parties, mainly because of its strategy to create think tanks, focus groups and so on dedicated to the construction of a political discourse. This articulated move, going on for the past 30 years, have already create an intellectual and political elite without the socialist counterpart. The idea of a European Foundation came in support if this undisputable need.
The second sessions was dedicated to «democracy», and I liked very much the intervention of a Spanish MEP, Carlos Carnero, who spoke about the necessity of creating an European party, to bring more Europe to the common citizen. He gave also the idea of presenting a Commission President candidate, supported by PES in 2009, as well as the candidate exchange experience that could exist in the next European elections.
With a lively and participated debate (where I also intervened) the session was closed and people were send to their hotels to freshen up to be presentable at the reception that will take place in 15 minutes.
Needless to say that yours truly is not going to the hotel, will not change or freshen up or anything else, and if he doesn’t finish this text soon he will miss the reception.
So… from Sofia we close the report for the day.


It started

It started

The 2007 Council began, despite weather conditions. Fog in Sofia led to the closing of the Airport and to the impossibility of 2/3 arriving. There are stories of delegates, activists and guests spread all over Eastern Europe, from Romania to other Bulgarian small Aero ports.
Well, the show must go on, so some say…
It’s with a 1/3 house that the works started, and it was with joy that I saw one of the panels be dedicated to the Childcare initiative. As you probably know, we in Portugal organized a very interesting session with Viera da Silva, Jorge Lacão, Zita Gurmai, and Edite Estrela, late April.
But we are not here to report on our initiatives, so, back to Sofia…
It was a very interesting session, in a very informal format, with Poul on stage interviewing Zita Gurmai, Ania Skrypeck, Claudette Baldacchino and Harlem Désir.
All of them had a strong message to share. I’ve already knew Zita and Ania speech; both of them top level, but to see more and more people talking about the importance of the Childcare programme is very ensuring and gives hope in the socialist project for Europe,.
Poul usually gives his grandson, age 6, as example of what Europe can and should be, and the Childcare campaign is no more then another opportunity to put the next generation together, with the common goal of building a New Social Europe, lead by socialists, towards a better tomorrow for the unprivileged and marginalized.
You can see the video of the session here.

Zdravei from Sofia!

Hello European campaigners,
Zdravei from Sofia!
I am - together with the rest of the Yourspace campaigning team - in Bulgaria for the PES Council. Right now a lot of socialists and social democrats from all over Europe are gathered in the National Palace of Culture to discuss the PES manifesto for the 2009 European elections.
During today and tomorrow there will be lots of possibilities for following the Council online:
Live-blogging on Yourspace!
The Yourspace crew and a team of PES activist bloggers will post hourly updates on the meetings and events on Yourspace. Log in with your usual username and password and you'll be able to give your comments in real time.
Watch PES TV!
Many of the Council's sessions are streamed 'near-live' on http://www.pes.org. The Council's opening and closing, the plenary debates and press conferences will be just a mouse click away!
I hope you’ll enjoy the PES Council!
Greetings from Bulgaria,

Putting the Show

Putting the Show

Usually when I arrive at congresses and important venues everything is set, ready to go. TV and media, at their coverage, show us a done deal, a scenario prepared to be broadcast. I arrived one day before the Council starts, yesterday, which was a good thing because today the airport is closed due to weather conditions (what explains the few people at the council, the limited number of activists and the numbers of some delegations), and what I had the opportunity to see this backstage that allows the Show to exist.
Of course I helped.
People here, I must say, are so nice and kind, always helping and interested in trying to understand what you are trying to communicate. I think this Council will be a very good experience.



I arrived today at Sofia. It is a Big journey from Lisbon, reminding me that we, in Portugal, are really at the end of Europe.
I left home at 4.40 am, and arrived at 16 pm, local time, after a 3 hour stop at Munich. There I had a strange experience. Stepping out of the bus that took us to the Airport (from the plane), a policemen came to me, introduce himself, said he was from costumes, and ask me to carry a bag with me. I look at him, I look at his badge and I wondered:
– is this for real???
He then came to explain that they were training costume dogs to catch drugs, and that this will be a test.
Since I was in Germany, and he was doing it in open air, were everybody was seeing, I thought:
- It’s probably real. This is Munich, after all. I’ll have a go at it.
So, he gave me a bag, with the drugs (cocaine he said), and as, I was passing through costumes, this big German Sheppard, after smelling the bag, jumped at me. He was a big fella, and the god thing was that he was soon controlled by his keeper. What an original way to enter a country, I must say..
The German Sheppard passed the test.
After this adventure, and another plane trip, I arrived in Sofia. Freezing. Snow all over the place, showing me that the all the time summer weather we have in Portugal is not shared with the rest of Europe. We are still wearing shorts at home...
I went to the hotel, after being sightseeing with the taxi driver (all the taxi drivers are alike, aren’t they?...), took a shower and went straight to the Council venue.
After asking directions to a non English speaking population (most of the old people don’t speak English), and trying to read the Cyrillic-base signs, I managed to took the tram to the venue, but it the wrong way. Instead of a 5 minutes trip, it took me an hour through traffic, a bus change and a wonderful experience in Sofia transport system at rush hour.
I arrived.

quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2007

changing address

In the next days we will be posting from here,
at the
Manifesto 2009 website

All the personal blogs will follow
Les canards libertaires

Conselho do Partido Socialista Europeu, dias 22 e 23 de Novembro, em Sófia (Bulgária)

Caros e Caras Camaradas

Decerto estarão informados que se irá reunir, nos dias 22 e 23 de Novembro, na cidade de Sófia, capital da Bulgária, o Conselho do Partido Socialista Europeu.

Procurando apostar em novas formas de relacionamento com os seus militantes, e com interessados em geral, o PSE preparou uma cobertura na Internet que julgamos de interesse divulgar, estando preparadas transmissões em directo, blogues de apoio, entre outras iniciativas.

O Partido Socialista estará representado por uma comitiva oficial. Pela primeira vez, os Activistas foram convidados a participar nos trabalhos, com direito de intervir e apresentar propostas. De toda a Europa serão várias dezenas os que irão comparecer. O PES Activists Portugal também terá representação própria, tendo o seu coordenar sido convidado a participar no blogue colectivo de apoio que os Activistas prepararam para seguir o Conselho.

A página dedicada ao acompanhamento dos trabalhos do Conselho é a seguinte:

A página do Partido Socialista Europeu é a seguinte:

O blogue colectivo de apoio ao Conselho de Sófia tem esta morada:

Esperamos que este Conselho apresente um sinal importante no sentido de destacar a dinâmica dos Activistas como peça importante no processo de consulta recentemente lançada para o Manifesto 2009, central na estratégia do Partido Socialista Europeu nas próximas eleições europeias.

Desta forma convidamos todos os militantes do Partido Socialista a visitarem e comentarem online o que for acontecendo, aproveitando a oportunidade de interagir com os trabalhos em Sófia, nomeadamente através do blogue, com sugestões, comentários, críticas e questões.

Esperamos a visita,

Sem mais

Pelos PES Activists Portugal

José Reis Santos

terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2007

Segundo o Diário de Notícias, o arquipélago de Cabo Verde vai passar a ser "parceiro especial" da União Europeia (UE). Um estatuto que ontem mereceu um acordo de princípio dos 27 Estados membros, reunidos em Bruxelas. É um "momento único e histórico", reagiu o primeiro-ministro cabo-verdiano, José Maria Neves, qualificando a parceria como um "ganho extraordinário" para o país.

A decisão, saída do Conselho de Assuntos Gerais e Relações Externas da UE, vem dar um desfecho positivo ao processo de negociações formalmente iniciado em Janeiro, e que mereceu o empenho particular da diplomacia portuguesa. Com a parceria ontem estabelecida, Cabo Verde terá acesso a fundos europeus em circunstâncias privilegiadas.

De acordo com as conclusões ontem adoptadas pelos 27, as duas partes passarão a estabelecer um quadro de diálogo político regular com base em "valores e princípios comuns". Boa governação, segurança e estabilidade, integração regional, sociedade do conhecimento e da informação e luta contra a pobreza serão áreas de cooperação privilegiada.

Desde os anos 90 que é discutida informalmente a hipótese de Cabo Verde desenvolver relações especiais com a UE. A questão chegou a ir mais longe que o cenário de uma parceria privilegiada. Em 2005, Mário Soares e Adriano Moreira lançaram uma petição defendendo a entrada do arquipélago na União. O actual embaixador cabo-verdiano diz que este cenário não é realista. Mas também sublinha que uma parceria "é um processo de construção sem limites à partida".

Será que algum dia Cabo Verde entrará na União Europeia? Quais são os limites da União Europeia?

Dear all,

Dear all,
the campaiging group is developing well and the manifesto consultation process is also on its way. But we shouldn't forget that in 2008, there are presidential elections in the US too. The results of this election will shape the future of transatlantic relations - and therefore also Europe - a great deal.
This was reason enough for us to start a poll amongst the centre left of Europe about which Democratic candidate you would prefer. Who do you trust most to set transatlantic relations onto a new path?
Go to our Social Europe Blog at http://www.dailypolitics.eu to participate in our poll. Please also link to the survey from your websites and blogs so we can get as many people as possible to participate.
Thanks a lot!
Best wishes

PES Council 2007

segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2007

O Kosovo

Hashim Thaci, dirigente do Partido Democrático do Kosovo (PDK), vencedor, por maioria relativa nas legislativas de sábado, rejeitou em entrevista hoje publicada qualquer noção de federação ou confederação com a Sérvia, considerando apenas possível a via da independência.

"A ideia avançada pela Sérvia de uma solução do tipo Hong Kong não é viável. O modelo cipriota também não pode ser adaptado ao Kosovo, nem tão pouco as propostas de federação ou de confederação com a Sérvia. Nenhuma dessas ideias se tem de pé", disse Thaci.

O líder do PDK, principal partido vencedor das eleições de sábado, afirmou ainda que os representantes do Kosovo vão continuar a negociar com a Sérvia, no quadro dos esforços da Troika (Rússia, Estados Unidos, União Europeia) até à data prevista, 10 de Dezembro, mas salienta não esperar chegar a um acordo.

"Depois de 10 de Dezembro, o Kosovo tomará a sua decisão (sobre a independência) depois de consultas com Washington e Bruxelas", disse.

Hoje, à entrada para uma reunião dos MNE's dos 27, em Bruxelas, o presidente em exercício do Conselho de ministros da UE, Luís Amado, disse que a União Europeia esperará até "ao último minuto" das negociações para tomar uma "posição clara" sobre o futuro estatuto do Kosovo.

A Sérvia opõe-se totalmente à independência do Kosovo, que considera berço da sua cultura e da sua história.

Mais um desafio para a presidência portuguesa. É fundamental que a União Europeia adopte uma posição comum. De qualquer forma a resolução deste diferendo, dadas as forças e posições em jogo (a Rússia apoia totalmente a Sérvia), parece não estar para breve. A concretizar-se a independência do Kosovo abre-se um precedente e valerá a pena reflectir sobre outros casos (ex: País Basco).

quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2007

Ser de esquerda, na Europa

Ser de esquerda, na Europa

Ser de esquerda hoje, a meu ver, para um europeu, não é só ter um passado coerente, antifascista, anticolonialista, a favor dos Direitos Humanos e da igualdade entre homens e mulheres; é ser a favor de uma democracia económica e social (e não de uma Democracia Liberal); é lutar contra as desigualdades sociais; ser a favor de Uma Europa Política e Social, capaz de ser solidária com todas as outras Regiões do Mundo onde se sofre; e a favor das grandes causas da defesa do Ambiente, dos Direitos Humanos, independentemente do sexo, opção sexual, raça, religião ou condição social; é ser pelo primado da política sobre a economia, da ética, contra a mistura explosiva do negocismo e da política; é ser tolerante e aceitar o outro, como diferente de nós, partidário do multiculturalismo e da laicidade, ou seja, a favor da separação do Estado e das Igrejas; a favor de um sistema capaz de corrigir as desigualdades, de um Estado de Direito, interveniente, mormente no campo da Saúde, da Justiça, do Ensino, do conhecimento e do aproveitamento dos melhores.
Será pouco, como diferença?
Mário Soares - Revista Visão (11 de Outubro de 2007)
Via Viagens no meu Partido (02.11.2007)

quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2007

terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2007

'Não agir sobre o clima será "criminalmente irresponsável"'

'Deixar de agir agora para conter o aquecimento global será "criminalmente irresponsável", disse ontem Yvo de Boer, secretário executivo da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas para as Alterações Climáticas.
O aquecimento global vai "afectar mais duramente os países mais pobres e mais vulneráveis", disse Yvo de Boer, na abertura de uma reunião do Painel Intergovernamental para as Alterações Climáticas (IPCC), em Valência, Espanha.Até sábado, cientistas e representantes governamentais vão concluir o quarto relatório do IPCC sobre o estado o aquecimento global. Será uma síntese de três relatórios já lançados anteriormente este ano.Os cenários do IPCC apontam para aumentos de 1,1 graus Celsius a 6,4 graus Celsius na temperatura média global até 2100, relativamente aos valores de 1980-1999.
Mas, diz o IPCC, ainda há tempo para limitar a subida da temperatura e evitar consequências desastrosas."Não reconhecer a urgência desta mensagem e da necessidade de agir seria nada menos do que criminalmente irresponsável", afirmou Yvo de Boer. O relatório-síntese do IPCC funcionará como um ponto da situação para as negociações de um novo acordo internacional sobre as alterações climáticas.
O Protocolo de Quioto, que obriga os países desenvolvidos a reduzir as suas emissões de gases que alteram o clima, só tem metas até 2012. Uma conferência da ONU em Bali, em Dezembro, vai discutir o que fazer a seguir.Algumas organizações ambientalistas estão preocupadas com a possibilidade de interferências dos governos no texto final do IPCC. Os relatórios produzidos e revistos por mais de 2000 cientistas são condensados em "sumários para decisores políticos", cuja redacção é votada linha a linha.
"Há um contraste entre a enorme riqueza do trabalho do IPCC e os cortes de inspiração política nos sumários", afirma Hans Verolme, da organização internacional WWF, num comunicado. '

Publicado no Jornal Público, no dia 13/11/07
Marco Lacomblez Leitão

Predeal 2007 (edicao revista)

domingo, 11 de novembro de 2007

Predeal 2007

sábado, 10 de novembro de 2007

Viagem à Roménia - Predeal 2007 (IV)

Viagem à Roménia - Predeal 2007 (III)

Viagem à Roménia - Predeal 2007 (II)

Já vos dissemos que estivemos na Roménia?

Interview with Titus Corlatean

Interview with José Reis Santos

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2007

Boa notícia/ Good News

Esta é uma boa notícia. O começo do processo de escolha de uma única língua, na União Europeia, é essencial para a integração europeia.

This is very good news - Master Degrees in English - (link in Portuguese). Someone starting to choose one language and one language only, in the European Union, it's essential for a good European integration.

Activistas de primeira

José Vieira da Silva

Activistas de primeira

Maria João Rodrigues

terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2007

"Conferência de Annapolis passa por discussão em Lisboa"

'A preparação da conferência de Annapolis, nos Estados Unidos, para relançar o processo de paz no Médio Oriente foi o tema central dos encontros ontem em Lisboa da troika da União Europeia com os chefes da diplomacia de Israel, Tzipi Livni, da Autoridade Palestiniana, Riad Malki, e do Grupo Árabe.Os encontros decorreram no âmbito da 9.ª Conferência Interministerial Euromediterrânica, que reúne os 27 chefes da diplomacia europeus com os seus homólogos dos países ribeirinhos do Sul.

A presidência portuguesa está empenhada em criar "o melhor clima possível" para a conferência, decidida na reunião de Julho, em Lisboa, do Quarteto internacional para o Médio Oriente (UE, EUA, Rússia e ONU).

Embora reconhecendo que "as coisas estão agora fundamentalmente nas mãos" da secretária de Estado norte-americana, Condoleezza Rice, a diplomacia portuguesa quer aproveitar o formato "único" da Parceria Euromediterrânica, que reúne à volta da mesa israelitas, palestinianos e árabes, para ajudar a "afinar" alguns aspectos com vista à conferência de Annapolis, agendada para finais de Novembro.

A Europa está ainda empenhada em preparar uma conferência de doadores em Dezembro, para mobilizar apoios para o Governo do presidente palestiniano Mahmoud Abbas. Prevista para o jantar oficial de ontem estava uma intervenção do chefe da diplomacia francesa, Bernard Kouchner, sobre a iniciativa de Paris para uma União Mediterrânica.
A maioria dos parceiros europeus ainda vê a ideia com reservas, considerando-a potencialmente "concorrente" da actual Parceria Euromediterrânica, lançada há 12 anos em Barcelona.
Ontem, a comissária responsável pela Política de Vizinhança europeia, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, disse que a iniciativa francesa "será bem vinda" desde que "represente uma mais-valia" em relação ao Processo de Barcelona. '
Publicado no Jornal Público no dia 06/11/07

Activista Activa

Recebido via e-mail
Ex.mos Colegas,

Serve o presente para mais uma vez fazer uma pequena reflexão.

Na sequência de tantos projectos legislativos, segue uma sugestão:

As leis são óptimas no nosso país, das mais evoluídas mesmo, a diferença estará sim numa fiscalização rigorosa da sua aplicação. Essencialmente na área do trabalho, talvez o código do trabalho seja o mais violado, não havendo cumprimento não só das regras de higiene e segurança mas também de situações básicas como o salário mínimo nacional, pagamento de horas extraordinárias e correspondência entre os contratos e a função que os trabalhadores de facto exercem.

Também há um mau reconhecimento de quem revela boas prácticas, concretamente com tanta mudança de instituições responsáveis pelas condições de trabalho ficou suspenso concurso "Prémio Prevenir Mais Viver Melhor no Trabalho" e consequentemente a não devolução dos trabalhos apresentados.

Sempre na busca de um Portugal mais justo e motivador,
Encontro-me ao dispor.

Patrícia Cunha Mendonça,

sábado, 3 de novembro de 2007

Plano de acção a aprovar na cimeira UE-África defende parceria estratégica a partir de 2008

Quando os chefes de Estado e de governo de África e da União Europeia (UE) se reunirem em Dezembro para a cimeira de Lisboa, muito do que será aprovado já terá sido previamente negociado e delineado na Parceria Estratégica e no Plano de Acção, documentos que ficaram definidos numa deslocação, esta semana, do ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Luís Amado, ao Gana.
Segundo o esboço dos documentos, a que o PÚBLICO teve acesso, o plano de acção - que corresponde aos dois primeiros anos, 2008 e 2009, da estratégia de longo prazo - tem como objectivo de fundo acrescentar valor ao diálogo político e à cooperação já existentes entre a UE e África.
Para isso, as duas organizações definiram acções prioritárias: Paz e Segurança, Governação Democrática e Direitos Humanos, Comércio e Integração Regional, a criação de condições para os países africanos atingirem os objectivos relativos ao acesso à saúde e à educação, definidos pela ONU como Objectivos do Milénio, o Ambiente, a Energia ou a Imigração, entre outras.
Em comum a todas as áreas, a preocupação de melhorar o diálogo entre os dois continentes. E, ao mesmo tempo, criar as bases para pôr os objectivos que ficarem escritos no papel a funcionar na prática, com o objectivo de, a pouco e pouco, concretizar a estratégia de longo prazo.
Esta passa, entre outros aspectos, pelo desejo de "juntos promover e apoiar um sistema de multilateralismo efectivo e instituições multilaterais legítimas e fortes", refere o documento. Para que a nova parceria de longo prazo seja bem sucedida, será preciso que África e UE "se distanciem da relação tradicional" e iniciem uma "parceria que se caracterize pela igualdade" e o alcance de "objectivos comuns".
A cimeira servirá para formalizar esta e outras grandes linhas de orientação para o novo relacionamento entre os dois continentes. Só o tempo dirá se será alcançado.
Publicado no Jornal Público no dia 03/11/07